Aaron Cohen, M.D

Internal Medicine

Board Certified:
Internal Medicine

Dr. Aaron Cohen is a Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine. He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Yeshiva University in New York City, and went on to earn his Medical Degree at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He then completed his Internal Medicine Internship and Residency training at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Dr. Cohen practices comprehensive primary care, with a focus on prevention and health maintenance. He also currently serves as a Community Preceptor with the University of Miami Miller School Of Medicine.

Diverse clinical trials experience includes indications such as:
Obesity, GERD, Alzheimer’s Disease, Vaccines, Hypertension, Diabetes, Contraception, BPH, Hypogonadism, UTI, COVID treatment and Vaccines, and Post Partum Depression.

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